"The Cause Is Right" - Virtuoso Travel Week Edition

“The Cause Is Right” Virtuoso Travel Week Edition
Dates: August 13-17, 2023
A “walking challenge” open to all members of the travel industry community.
Organized in support of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF.org)
How many steps can you take either in person in Las Vegas or remotely from your home location?
Challenge Goals (over 5 days)
Gold at 80,000 total steps
Silver at 60,000 total steps
Bronze at 40,000 total steps
At the end of the challenge period, the top 3 walkers in each level (Bronze, Silver, Gold) will have their choice of B+M collection prizes. Remaining prizes will be drawn via lottery for all other participants.
Check out the list of prizes here.
A daily “shoutout” of achievers will be shared on social media.
This challenge is being organized to support the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF). In 2021, Beatrice’s 5 year old daughter, Perla, was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles. In a span of a few months, Perla lost all hair on her scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Some may think “it’s just hair,” but Alopecia Areata affects an individual’s mental, emotional, and social health, especially when it happens to children.
Visit Naaf.org to learn how Alopecia Areata affects children of different ages and how you can help them talk about their condition with friends, teachers, and classmates. The FDA currently has 3 types of jak inhibitors available for those 18 and older, and 1 type for 12 and older. Jak inhibitors can be prescribed to kids under 12 through the right medical and insurance channels. Beatrice is open and available to assist with any questions.
A message from Beatrice:
NAAF was instrumental in providing me with knowledge on this disease as well as how to best support my daughter, my family, and the 6.8 million people in the US that suffer from Alopecia. We found the right doctor to treat Perla, and in February of this year, Perla was prescribed Olumiant, a jak inhibitor type of medication which helps those with Alopecia. We are happy to share that after 6 months, Perla has 75% regrowth, just in time for Kindergarten.
On behalf of my family and team at Bennett + Mercado, thank you for your support!
Beatrice Mercado
Bennett + Mercado Hospitality
Join Us!
We created a forum where members of the luxury travel industry community (hoteliers, destinations specialists, travel advisors, etc.) can still maintain a sense of community. Bennett + Mercado Hospitality will be at Virtuoso Travel Week. For those not attending in-person, we hope this walking challenge will help you feel "connected".

How to participate
1. Download the Pacer app (available for Apple or Google Play)
2. Join our "The Cause Is Right" Group by clicking here
3. Sign-up for the current challenge by clicking here or via the QR code.
4. If you prefer to use your own step tracking device, send a photo of your daily summary to info@bennettmercado.com.
Our Goal
We ask group members to aim to take 40,000 steps during the challenge period while at the same time raising awareness for the non-profit organization, National Alopecia Areata Foundation. While our goal is to raise awareness, we encourage (but don't require) members to donate financially.
Questions or comments, please contact info@bennettmercado.com.